Fighting for common good-oriented urban care infrastructures - projects for a gradual deprivatization of public space
Sorgende Städte. Kommunale Strategien für feministisches Vergesellschaften
Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Konferenz, Bremen
20th of January, 2023
Martine Kayser
Sophie Menzel (Buschfunk Bündnis & pee for free: Kampagne für faire öffentliche Toiletten)
moderation: Clara Schröder (Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung)
Fighting for common good-oriented urban care infrastructures - projects for a gradual deprivatization of public space
Sorgende Städte. Kommunale Strategien für feministisches Vergesellschaften
Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Konferenz, Bremen
20th of January, 2023
Martine Kayser
Sophie Menzel (Buschfunk Bündnis & pee for free: Kampagne für faire öffentliche Toiletten)
moderation: Clara Schröder (Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung)
The workshop focused on the question of what consequences privatization and financialization have on urban space as a whole and on urban (care) infrastructure in particular. Using the example of public toilets, the workshop took a look at practices and campaigns that oppose the privatization of urban space and fight for a gender-equitable and public welfare-oriented urban economy (Sorgende Städte 2023 conference).